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BREEDPLAN was made available to ALBS members early in 2023 supporting membership to accelerate genetic progress within their herd and support animal sales in a cost-effective manner.


Members will receive invoices for use of BREEDPLAN based on the first time an animal appears in the evaluation with a trait indicator. The fee applies only once in animals’ lifetime at the time of the first trait being analysed. Simply put, an animal will only be charged once in its lifetime, at the time of the first trait recording no matter how many more traits are analysed.


On a monthly basis, BREEDPLAN provides to Genetic Hub a list of animals, including animal identification that have appeared in the analysis for the first time with a trait to be analysed.

Some examples of first trait recording members may not anticipate include an invoice for an ET calf and its recipient dam, addition of genomics, a natural calf and its dam or an AI sire where traits have not been included in the analysis previously.


Please note the charge per animal for first trait only in the animal’s lifetime is in lieu of an annual BREEDPLAN membership.


Accounts received for first trait analysis will include the animal’s ident and will be described as BREEDPLAN Inventory Fee (first submitted trait). This fee has been set by ALBS at $9.00 plus GST.


If you wish to check on what trait has been analysed, you can do so by visiting ILRonline – Animal Enquiry – Traits Observed. Should you need assistance or have a query please contact Genetic Hub and we will endeavour to assist and resolve for you.


ALBS BREEDPLAN ANALYSES are conducted monthly. For inclusion in the monthly analysis all registrations must be submitted to ALBS before 4PM on the 1st of the month. Performance data submissions must be received by ABRI prior to 5PM on the 11Th of each month.


Below are some useful resources related to BREEDPLAN for your convenience.


EBV’s Reported and Genetic Evaluation System - https://breedplan.une.edu.au/products/breedplan/

EBV Descriptions - Using & Understanding BREEDPLAN EBVs 


Help Centre - https://breedplan.une.edu.au/help-centre


Introduction to Breedplan - https://breedplan.une.edu.au/getting-started/a-general-introduction-to-the-breedplan-analysis/

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