Record a breed code for base dams the first time they are used. Do not record breed for any registered dams. Breed is constructed from the following codes:
AA = Angus | JJ = Jersey |
BL = Belgian Blue | LL = Limousin |
BR = Belmont Red | MU = Maine Anjou |
BA = Blonde d’Aquitaine | MG = Murray Grey |
BN = Boran | PM = Piedmontese |
BF = Braford | PZ = Pinzgauer |
BB = Brahman | PH = Poll Hereford |
BG = Brangus | RA = Red Angus |
CC = Charolais | RP = Red Poll |
CI = Chianina | RO = Romagnola |
DD = Devon | SW = Sahiwal |
DM = Droughtmaster | SL = Salers |
FF = Friesian (Holstein) | SG = Santa Gertrudis |
GA = Galloway | SS = Shorthorn |
GV = Gelbvieh | SI = Simmental |
GG = Guernsey | SD = South Devon |
HH = Hereford | TI = Tuli |
IS = Illawarra Shorthorn | OO = Unknown |
The first four characters of the eight character code represent the breed of the sire and the last four characters represent the breed of the dam. If the sire or dam is a crossbred then the first two characters represents the breed of its sire and the second two characters represents the breed of its dam.
Examples Of Breed Coding:
1. Limousin sire and dam = LLLLLLLL
2. Limousin sire X Angus dam = LLLLAAAA.