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Registration of Calves

ILRonline Video Tutorials and Tips How to process your registrations online

Year Of Birth Codes

Breed Codes

Record a breed code for base dams the first time they are used. Do not record breed for any registered dams. Breed is constructed from the following codes:

AA = Angus JJ = Jersey
BL = Belgian Blue LL = Limousin
BR = Belmont Red MU = Maine Anjou
BA = Blonde d’Aquitaine MG = Murray Grey
BN = Boran PM = Piedmontese
BF = Braford PZ = Pinzgauer
BB = Brahman PH = Poll Hereford
BG = Brangus RA = Red Angus
CC = Charolais RP = Red Poll
CI = Chianina RO = Romagnola
DD = Devon SW = Sahiwal
DM = Droughtmaster SL = Salers
FF = Friesian (Holstein) SG = Santa Gertrudis
GA = Galloway SS = Shorthorn
GV = Gelbvieh SI = Simmental
GG = Guernsey SD = South Devon
HH = Hereford TI = Tuli
IS = Illawarra Shorthorn OO = Unknown

The first four characters of the eight character code represent the breed of the sire and the last four characters represent the breed of the dam. If the sire or dam is a crossbred then the first two characters represents the breed of its sire and the second two characters represents the breed of its dam.

Examples Of Breed Coding:

1. Limousin sire and dam = LLLLLLLL

2. Limousin sire X Angus dam = LLLLAAAA.

Limousin Grade Convention

Grades for Limousin calves are shown below:

Limousin Grades Female Calves
Limousin Grades Male Calves
The actual percentage of French Limousin blood is calculated for all registered animals.
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