We recommend using registered post, so your samples can be tracked.
The standard turnaround time is between four to six weeks. When your results are available, they will be provided by email to you from the ALBS Office. Office staff will load your results within three business days of receipt.
Please note: all samples must be submitted using this protocol. Any deviations, including old paper forms or hair samples not submitted in correct collection kits will be returned to the breeder.
To access the DNA price list, click here.
Please read the following Society Regulations carefully before submitting your DNA. To access the full list of Regulations, click here .
2.1 DNA TYPING OF SIRES It is a requirement of the Society that for a calf to be registered the sire must have a DNA type from a recognized DNA typing laboratory lodged with the Society. All new sires will be required to have Genomic testing undertaken with a minimum of 100K SNP test completed in addition to sire verification. The Society has the right to request a sire verification of any sire of a registered calf.
2.2 PARENTAGE VERIFICATION It is a requirement of the Society that one natural calf, one ET calf and one AI calf for every 250 calves registered with ALBS be DNA fingerprinted for parentage verification. The Society reserves the right to demand DNA fingerprinting for parentage verification by a Society approved establishment on any animal falling within its jurisdiction if it is deemed necessary or advisable. For progeny resulting from an abnormal gestation period, breeders may be required to submit proof of parentage before such progeny are accepted for registration.
Please note the following:
If there is reason to suspect there may be an error in the parentage recorded for any animal, the ALBS reserves the right to request DNA typing for parent verification, if it is deemed necessary or advisable.
Where parent verification is requested by ALBS, the testing must be carried out within three months of the date of the request and if results are not available to ALBS within six months of the date of the request all registrations and transfers will be suspended for the herd.
Where an animal fails parent verification, it will be deregistered unless evidence is provided in the form of records and a statutory declaration to justify further testing. Additionally, the breeder will be required, at their cost, to test up to five calves randomly selected from those registered by the breeder in the same year. If all five of these calves pass their parent verification no further testing will be required. Should one or more of the five fail parent verification, the breeder will be required to test a further five animals registered in that year or in subsequent years. The testing process will continue until a group of five calves are all verified to parentage. Any animal whose parentage has not been established will be deregistered.